Welcome to Runawaywombat

Hi and Welcome. I hope you enjoy my blog and hope we can share my love of cooking and making craft items which I have made for many years. Juggling motherhood and work has been fun and a learning experience. Runawaywombat is an Etsy site where I create classic items which are vibrant, practical and fun. Many items from Aprons, Tea Towels, make up and storage bags. You can see my items by going to www.etsy.com/shop/runawaywombat. On the food front I made Lemon slice and honestly I can't make enough of it as it run off the plate with my family.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Once a upon a time - weight loss

Another day, another gym session. I'm only able to do 10 minutes on three different things but just that has made the weight go down. Now, it's not falling off me but as long as I don't put any weight on, I'm heading in the right direction.

Now this isn't about looking trim and fabulous by Christmas but heck, if I am trim and fabulous by then, that's a bonus. I weigh myself most days and that just gives me motivation to keep going, or a reality check if the scales go up.

I now tend to think about what I can do everyday that could help me. But don't think it's all rosey and peachy. I have my bad moments, but I then think about how I could do better at lunch or dinner.

I am already thinking how I could have a healthier meal at lunch and have thought about a salad sandwich as the scales have been in my favour.

I do enjoy the structure of the gym, and I'll be honest, I didn't think I would. I think it's just a constructive and measured way to put in place activities to lose some of the weight. It's not the be all or end all of weight loss, eating habits are just as important with me.

I will keep you posted on how easy or difficult this whole progess has been. Stay tuned.

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