Welcome to Runawaywombat

Hi and Welcome. I hope you enjoy my blog and hope we can share my love of cooking and making craft items which I have made for many years. Juggling motherhood and work has been fun and a learning experience. Runawaywombat is an Etsy site where I create classic items which are vibrant, practical and fun. Many items from Aprons, Tea Towels, make up and storage bags. You can see my items by going to www.etsy.com/shop/runawaywombat. On the food front I made Lemon slice and honestly I can't make enough of it as it run off the plate with my family.

Monday, March 28, 2011

New Year - Resolution. How far have I come

Well, you are probably wondering how the new years resolutions are coming along. Yes, and I can say that on the comuputer front, I am learning new skills. Now, I'll just take you back to my sweety palm incident.

My husband rang me from at home a few years ago and asked if I could turn the computer on as he wanted to send something to me and wanted to make sure that it came through.

Now, to most people this isn't scary but I didn't grow up with computers as the generations of today and, honestly, I thought I would break it. But I did as I was asked and after a few, more then a few anxious moments I turned it on.

You are probably thinking, OMG, but yes, the point to the story is that I am now blogging, selling on-line and tweetering.

So my New Yesrs resolution was to learn more things on the computer and I'm doing that with tweetering and I ask lots of questions about computers to anyone under 40. I suppose you can teach old dogs new tricks and I am willing to learn. The whole social networking has been fun for me and I am amazed at what someone can learn at any age. So on the resolution front I have achieve this goal but this one won't shop here but continue in my quest to learn as much as I can about it. And one important thing I have learnt is Don't just ask but practise the skill on the computer. Will keep you posted.

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