Welcome to Runawaywombat

Hi and Welcome. I hope you enjoy my blog and hope we can share my love of cooking and making craft items which I have made for many years. Juggling motherhood and work has been fun and a learning experience. Runawaywombat is an Etsy site where I create classic items which are vibrant, practical and fun. Many items from Aprons, Tea Towels, make up and storage bags. You can see my items by going to www.etsy.com/shop/runawaywombat. On the food front I made Lemon slice and honestly I can't make enough of it as it run off the plate with my family.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Once a upon a time - weight loss - The ups and downs of my weight loss

Well, Here it is. I have not hit 66.9kgs as hoped. But I have lost a kilo. And I'm now seeing 68 and 67kgs more often then 70, so that's got to be good. Right? The coulds and shoulds are becoming more wills and cans so the key here is just keep going. And I do listen to myself and make everyday some good choices, whether it is going to the gym or food choices there is alway a voice at the back of the brain saying, the ice-cream is a great idea now, but put in some choices that will help you get to your goal. And food should be enjoyed and bring family closer together.

The truth is I'm already there with the weight. I am within a normal weight for my height but I am at the heavier end. I should weigh between 56kgs ( I would look pretty terrific at that weight) and 69kgs.

So, I'll just keep going on my merry way and keep weighing myself and try to do better in life. The weight loss for me has just been a bonus. It's the discovery of who I am and how strong I can be. I know I'll have bad days where sweets will be consumed and maybe to much but I can get the weight off and know how now. I can.... I knew I would use that word one day. Will keep you posted.

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