Welcome to Runawaywombat

Hi and Welcome. I hope you enjoy my blog and hope we can share my love of cooking and making craft items which I have made for many years. Juggling motherhood and work has been fun and a learning experience. Runawaywombat is an Etsy site where I create classic items which are vibrant, practical and fun. Many items from Aprons, Tea Towels, make up and storage bags. You can see my items by going to www.etsy.com/shop/runawaywombat. On the food front I made Lemon slice and honestly I can't make enough of it as it run off the plate with my family.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Organic apples

Well here we are just after Easter and the harvesting of apples have began here downunder. Now, lets not get to excited we only have two trees but they do well and have a tree full of apples.

Last night I baked an apple pie which everyone loves. Simple recipe by just making a plain biscuit recipe. This becomes the base and top. Cook some cut apples, skin off. No need for sugar, as I just use all types of apples. They are sweet enough. When the apples are cold add it to the biscuit base which is rolled out and put in a pie dish, cover top with biscuit dough and bake in a moderate oven for about 35 minutes until the pastry is golden brown.

You may like to add sultanas for more flavour and texture. Sultanas seem to be a reason to argue about in this household as my husband loves them, yet other family members don't. Put them in, take them out, I really don't care. I eat pretty much anything.

Here are the pictures, this apple pie is delicious.Will keep you posted.

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