Welcome to Runawaywombat

Hi and Welcome. I hope you enjoy my blog and hope we can share my love of cooking and making craft items which I have made for many years. Juggling motherhood and work has been fun and a learning experience. Runawaywombat is an Etsy site where I create classic items which are vibrant, practical and fun. Many items from Aprons, Tea Towels, make up and storage bags. You can see my items by going to www.etsy.com/shop/runawaywombat. On the food front I made Lemon slice and honestly I can't make enough of it as it run off the plate with my family.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year and those things called resolutions

Hi everyone,
Tied from last night partying. It got late but that is expected as it was New Years eve. A few early nights for the catch up and then I'll be right for 2012. Feels a little weird to write 2012 but it was all year before I got used to 2011.

So, here we are 2012. Resolutions, too early, too tied, to think about them now. The ones from last year have been almost done. I've made changes to my diet, I've learnt more about the computer and I'm learning more each day. And the gym, is a love hate relationship. Do I love it, it depends on the day. I also do hate it, depends on the day. But I still go, not as often as I should but at least I go.

So, Here is to another year, stay safe, happy and healthy and here is to more posts from runawaywombat.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Vintage inspired aprons

Here is my latest vintage apron on etsy. I love the polka dot print, its simpleness yet its striking look. Pink is just pretty and here is the latest one I made today. Tomorrow is brush roll day and hopefully I'll get some made.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Vintage inspired aprons

Hi everyone,
Just finished my vintage inspired apron. I love all aprons, as you have probably noticed by now. I love cooking and making dishes for my family. An apron is pretty yet a functional item that is need in the kitchen.
Here are the pics, I'm in the process of making more, with lots more brush rolls on the way. I have found my two passions and will continue to offer you new and unique range of these in 2012.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Merry festive season

Hope everyone is having a happy and safe festive season. Christmas day is over for us downunder and the weather down here was very stormy last night.

A white Christmas is something we never see down here as this is the middle of summer for us, but we did have hail storms yesterday. It seems alot calmer this morning and hopefully the weather will pick up.

Have a happy break. I'm back to the creating mood soon. I'll keep you up to date with my tweets.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Unisex Apron My latest one

Hi everyone,
Listed yesterday on etsy my latest unisex apron. This beautiful floral print is quite stricking with the yellow almost mustard background. Here are the pics for you. If you wish to go to the site just click on to the etsy mini on the blog. I hope you like this one.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Unisex Apron My latest ones

Hi everyone,
Very busy over this period as everyone is but I thought I would just share with you my latest aprons. These are my unisex aprons, that any one could wear. Here are the pictures. Leave a comment let me know what you think.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Raisin and apple mince cakes

Hi everyone, Just thought I would share some cakes I made last night. These are my version of the fruit mince cakes we have at Christmas. This is just a basic biscuit recipe and then I put a quantity of raisins and apple in the food processor and mix it to a pulp. Use a muffin tin and roll out the biscuit dough. Cut to fit the muffin tin . Press lightly in side, add the pulp and cover with another layer of the biscuit dough. Like making a pie. The great thing with these you can add the quantities of apple to raisin that you like. Just a tip, I use the baking paper, so the dough doesn't stick to the tin. Cook for about 20 - 30 minutes 180c oven. Delicious.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Brush rolls The ones I love

Here are some of my brush rolls which I love. Just some pretty pics for you to see.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Homemade pizza

Homemade pizza I love and surprisingly it is quick and easy to make. Use dry yeast and follow the recipe on the pack. Once the yeast dough has risen roll out, put on tomato sauce, a tablespoon or two would be plenty. Smooth out and start adding the topping. Ham, grated cheese, capsicum and anchovies.

The pizza is divided into 3 sections for the taste of the whole family. One third is no sauce, just a layer of grated cheese, ham and grated cheese again. The middle section is sauce, ham and cheese and the third section is sauce, ham, grated cheese, capsicum, anchovies and olives.

It takes about 30 to 40 minutes in the oven 180c depending on the oven. I like my pizza quite cooked. Delicious.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

NEW apron mini for you to see.

Hi everyone,
Just remembered to let you know about the latest Apron mini I have just listed on Etsy. It's white with small black polka dots. I added some small bow on the neck straps to enhance the feminine touch. I hope you like this one. If you wish to see more of my apron minis just click on the Etsy mini on the side of the blog to take you there. Thanks for viewing my blog. I would love to share some comments so drop me a line. See Ya .

When you can't sleep you blog

Hi everyone,
Yes,you guessed it from the title. I'm up early and can't sleep. So I'd thought I'd show you my latest cake I made. This cake is just a simple butter cake with grated orange to give it a refreshing taste.

I actually make a mistake when preparing this one by adding the eggs when folding the flour and milk to the creamed butter and sugar. Usually, you add the eggs to the butter mixture beat it up then add the flour and milk. Having said that it was lighter and fluffier then usual.

I have to try this again to see if its a new way of making butter cakes or I was just lucky. It will be interesting to see. Here is the picture. If your wondering why there is only part of one cake, it was so delicious I couldn't get the camera quick enough before the family have already started without me.

A true statement to how delicious this one turned out. lol.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Apron vintage inspired

Hey everyone,
Just finished another vintage half apron. Here is the pics for it. Hope you like it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

New items on etsy.

Hi everyone,
It's a gloomy, grey and wet day today. But the rain was needed as we had a very long drought and our water storages were low. But on that front the rain has help and all is looking good. So we can't complain about the rain.

On the craft side I am very busy and in the middle of making another vintage half apron and will be making a few more of these. So stay tuned for those. I thought today I give you another sample of the latest items I have listed on etsy and hope you enjoy the pics. I would love to hear from anyone about the items, just drop me a line (e-mail). Catch you all soon.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

General chit chat.

Hi everyone,
Just a general chit chat about whats going on, in my etsy shop, runawaywombat. It's getting close to Christmas and I'm trying to get more items on for you to see, in between running a household and family, cooking, washing cleaning. You know the drill.

Things have been going well with my apron minis and brush rolls and the feedback I have been getting from buyers is great and positive. The brush rolls have become an absolute passion to provide an item which is vital, practical and eye catching in colour for my buyers.

I have now started making unisex aprons which I hope people will love. I trying to stick to the drill fabric which I think really suits both male and female. Here are a few of the latest things in the shop. I hope you enjoy these and have a great day.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Pics to brush roll

Sorry the previous post didn't have the pictures. Here they are, hopefully.

Brush rolls - it ticks all the boxes 2

Hi everyone,
I love brush rolls as you have probably guessed already. Here are some of my latest ones I have listed. I love the usefulness and the colour combinations I can create. It's fun making theses and the extra pocket just really comes in handy. Here are the pics. Would love to hear from you so just leave a comment, that would be great. I sell these on etsy.com if you would like to see the collection I have for sale. Have a great day to all. The weather is beautiful and hot today at long last.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Once a upon a time - weight loss - just reading my own blog

I was just reading my own blog and happy with how I was going but of course the success story is not me and of course, I have struggled this week, weight, mind and balance. So, I need to get my act together and get back into it.

The weight comes off quite easy when the head is in the right place. It's having the head in the right place all the time which is the killer for me. Having said that I'm getting back on that wagon and off I go again and keep going.

I'm around the 68kgs now and seeing 67kgs from time to time. Lets make a new goal. 66kgs Wow, that's scary. Haven't seen that number for a while. So off I go again, tra la la la la la la. I can't sing, so please don't judge.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Once a upon a time - weight loss -life in general

Hi everyone,
Just thought I would up date you all on my life in general. Being a mum is a FULL time job. But I guess for all you mothers out there, this is not news to you. Juggles, is my middle name. Just going from one thing that needs to be done to another and so on.

With the end of the year looming for all kids, this time is hectic for all families. So good luck and try not to stress. I should often listen to what I write. lol.

The weight loss journey is going great guns this last week and I have lost about another kilo. Having said that, I'm trying my hardest to be good and every chance I get I try to do some exersice, anything that will keep me moving. Just wondering how long it will last. Having said that, the weather is getting nicer and that is keeping me alittle more motivated.

I do have a few more creative items to show you but that will be in the next few days, after everything else I have to do. Keep you posted.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Once a upon a time - weight loss - where am I now

You are probably wondering how the weight loss it going. Well, I have come to the conclusion that yes I can lose weight, and when I do a lot of good things, in the way of eating smaller meals, get my exercise in and don't snack on the bad foods. Yeah, I can lose weight, and it comes off quickly. The problem for me and I guess for a lot of us, is getting the momentum of days to weeks of good healthy eating.

The great thing is I have not gone back to my old ways. I am mindful of healthy meals but sweets are my down side and where I struggle. I have had ups and downs and can say I am an emotional eater. I eat when I'm sad, happy, angry and hungry. So you can see my problem.

But doing better every day always keeps me trying and that is half the battle. So, I'm still trying and probably always have too. But I don't mind now and as soon as I fall of that wagon I get right back on and try again. The great thing about weight loss is you can just keep trying to better oneself.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Vive la France print fabric

Hey everyone,
OMG, I'm so excited about this fabric. Love,love,love this fabric. Actually I'd love to be going to France. But for now the fabric is going to have to do. Just finished this one, and have listed it on http://www.etsy.com/shop/runawaywombat?ref=si_shop.

Hope you like it. I love the pink, I love the print, I love it all.